Wednesday 20 July 2016

Third Eye -Ajna

This is a compilation of Third Eye Chakra information gathered over the years from a really large number of books, web pages and YouTube sources. Chakras are energy centres in the body, of different aspects of human growth and function. The third eye chakra is the sixth of the "main 7"

Intuition, insight, trust own interpretation, visualisation, foresight, knowledge, imagination, wisdom, intellect, vision, soul/vocation understanding, accept own power, illusion, delusion, dreams/nightmares, hallucination, self reflection, inner guidance, balance higher and lower self.

Mood stability, forgiveness, release trauma, strong intuition, good sleep, clarity, pleasant dreams, perceptive, imaginative, good memory, good visualisation, can think symbolically, healthy ego, self acceptance, know own power and how to use it.

doubting, envy others talents, forgetful superstitious, fearful, worrying, low imagination, difficulty visualising, denial, insensitivity, distrust, indecisive, neglect intuition, skepticism, narrow minded, no focus, hard to plan/achieve, limited discipline, cant see possibilities/outcomes

Headaches, concentration difficulties, spaced out, dissociation, intuition overload, nightmares, obsessions, delusions, hallucination, worries, fears, oversensitive, impatient, belittle others, unrealistic, fantasy leading to illusions.

To Balance:
Drawing, colouring, art, journal, dreamwork, guided visualisation, meditation, dark chocolate, berries, sandalwood, lavender, peppermint, indigo colours

My Healing Crystal of Choice -SodaliteKnown for:
Idealism, truth, creativity, philosophical understanding, psychic development, intuition, communication, seeing patters, self discipline, group harmony, access subconscious, develop brain power, calm emotions, clarity, self esteem, help with panic, release old programming, Authenticity, self expression, logic, efficiency, rationality, emotional honesty, athletic endurance, eliminate fear and guilt.  
Any questions or comments that I can help with?


Throat Chakra -Vishuddha

This is a compilation of Throat Chakra information gathered over the years from a really large number of books, web pages and YouTube sources. Chakras are energy centres in the body, of different aspects of human growth and function. The throat chakra is the fifth of the "main 7"

Speech, creative expression, honesty, choice(and consequences) originality, authenticity, seek truth, creation/manifestation, fulfillment of goals, communication(physical and spiritual)

sense of rhythm, clear speaking, creative expression, sincerity, communication skills, Good advice, sense of direction(and able to seek help to achieve), able to express weakness, truthful, shares ideas, listens

Unable to express, misunderstood, trouble with honesty, sending mixed messages, unable to follow goals to fruition, resist change, stubborn, dishonesty due to fear of judgement, repressed, feel victimised.

Overbearing, force opinions on others, poor listener, intimidating, hyper active, always wants last word, extremism, critical, abusive, shouting, ignoring opinions, only interested in self.

To Balance:
Sit under sky, absorb its power. Wear blue. Dance, write, draw, sing. Fennel, ginger, rosewood, sandalwood.


My Healing Crystal of Choice -Blue Aragonite
Known for: 

Heighten spiritual communication, uplift emotions, uncover source of problems, grow opportunities, align spiritual and physical bodies, yin/yang balance, wellbeing, patioence, acceptance, psychic abilities, self healing, compassion, communication, self expression, heal past, reduce anxiety, stabilising, helps keep calm in crisis.

Any questions or comments that I can help with?


Tuesday 19 July 2016

Aquarius full moon, 20/07/2016

Selfless working of magic appeals to me at this time.

I will be selfless through a personal transformation. Something I have wished to do for a long time. I will go plant based for a moon month.

Reducing my personal environmental footprint, by avoiding animal and animal product foods. In fact, reducing waste and processed food as much as possible. I will heal myself and my conscience with one action. :)

Dedication to challenge spell idea:

(Trace a circle of pink energy using finger)
(Call elements/Invite my Goddess)
(Say aloud my intentions for this dedication)
(Write a brief entry and meditate on my reasons/values for this change -to be placed on wall)
(Thank everyone for witnessing my intention)
(Merry part)
(Open circle)


Element Calling

Clarity of air, please come to me
To guard my circle and my dream
As I sent intentions to achieve

Power of fire, please come to me
To guard my circle and my will
As I set intentions to achieve

Power of water, please come to me
To guard my circle and my values
As I set intentions to achieve

Power of Earth, please come to me
To Guard my circle and my strength
As I set intentions to achieve

Goddess, HetHeru, Please join me
To guard my circle and my soul
As I set intentions to achieve

Welcome All!


Intentions for dedication

Today I make a pledge for a month of change, a month free of animal use.
I do this from my value of compassion.
"And it harm none"


Thanking and releasing elements

Each corner:
Thank you (element) for your gifts
I will honour my promise.
Merry part

(open circle)

I will now act in harmony with my values.
The universe knows my need.


Thank you all for sharing in my dedication.
I will work towards progress.

Any questions/comments?


Monday 18 July 2016

Ritual Fails Are Real! Episode 2 -Purple Paint Water

Two young women were interested in the psychic abilities granted to a special few.
They would do anything to become powerful as a person. More powerful even!
Telepathy, telekinesis, all of this would be in their grasp after one beautifully planned ritual.
They were going to awaken their souls and become glorious.
"I have a jar!"
"Thats great! I finally stapled my sheet-robe together! It should stop falling off now!"
"what do you reckon we'll need?"
"ummm.... candles, obviously! Lets use up all your crystals to increase the power!"
"oh, what about refreshments?"
"good point.... what herbs are good for this?"
"I'm not sure... maybe we should keep it simple... I HAVE AN IDEA! psychic powers are purple, right?"
Purple paint in a semi-clean paintbrush jar topped up with water made for a repulsive drink. We never did quite open our chakras properly. No one is really sure what happened that night, but I can confirm we both felt sick!

Heart Chakra -Anahata

This is a compilation of Heart Chakra information gathered over the years from a really large number of books, web pages and YouTube sources. Chakras are energy centres in the body, of different aspects of human growth and function. The heart chakra is the fourth of the "main 7"

Passion, tenderness, inner child, delight at creation, unconditional love, respect, understanding, gratitude, inner peace, self acceptance, place of healing, relationships, harmony, personal development, renewal, emotional expression, grief/anger/fear related to love,  possessiveness, jealousy, generosity, interconnection.

Compassion for all creatures, kind, caring, understanding, joy, acceptance, clairsentience, empathy, peaceful, affectionate, non-judgmental, grateful, respectful relationships, follow your heart.

Unsocial, withdrawn, cold, lonely, isolated, depressed, narcissism, fear of intimacy, negativity, feel worthless, lack of trust, closed off.

Clingy, overbearing, passive, martyrdom, ruled by emotions, judgmental, codependency, poor boundaries, demanding, jealous, conditional love, unable to release past relationships

To Balance:
Green, being one with nature, Lavender, sandalwood, rosemary, peppermint, Gratitude practice, aerobics, Journal, practice kindness, express love(verbally), plant based diet.

My Healing Crystal of Choice -Green Aventurine
Known for:
Prosperity, abundance, anti-anxiety, creativity, imagination, intellect, clarity, calm, balance, positivity, happiness, see alternatives, inner strength, friendship, leadership, decisiveness, compassion, empathy, perception, balance male/female energy, comfort, reduce energetic pollution,  calm emotions, healing, help with unresolved emotional issues, self understanding.

Any questions or comments that I can help with?


Sunday 17 July 2016

Introducing My Lady -My impressions of HetHeru(Hathor)

HetHeru(Hathor), or "house of Horus" has many aspects, and I can never hope to understand them all. She is one of the oldest Goddesses, and usually presents with some cow features. Here are a few of her more commonly attributed areas:

Protector of women(Especially if pregnant)

I have found her particularly interested in improving self belief and love and expressing emotions. She has been kind to me when I have not.
Our relationship started when I was very young. I was reading about ancient Egypt, as basically every young person does at some point(or Greek mythology!). I don't remember how or why, but I was obsessed with HetHeru in one of my books. MAJORLY obsessed. I was making my sister build temples, while I pretended to be HetHeru's priestess. When we played gods, my sister was Isis(Auset) because I wanted to be Hathor so much. I dont understand what the attraction was, as love and beauty weren't really my things, compared to Auset and her magic powers and all.
Even now, I'm not sure why we are compelled to work together. As I danced in the edges of the ocean, as I fought my demons, as I sung the flowers to life, It was always HER there, calling me to self expression and a lifetime of magic.
I will nurture the Earth in her name.
I still feel you with all my soul, my glorious Goddess.

Penniless Witchcraft -Altar

To all you out there with no space and barely any money, here is how I created an Altar.


First of all I needed a clean space, somewhere in the house. I chose my bedroom, as it feels more energetically friendly to me(Room=Sanctuary!). I spent a day moving junk out of the patch I use, and then burned some pretty incense to purify the space.

Then comes the actual altar. This can be hard. I have two, really small "altars". One is an old chessboard I lost all the pieces from. I use it to honour the God/dess I am working with at the time. The other one is an old bathroom scale that ran out of battery and seemed like a good sturdy board to put my elemental representations or whatever i am doing with spell craft at the time. I just covered the metal/glass/hideous object with a large amount of fabric to make it look better and there you go!
(really dodgy picture quality i apologise!)

My Altar decorations in that photo are:
The scale has a green altar cloth, for healing. Lord and Lady tarot cards to match the candles I selected for them(sometimes I use the king/queen of the tarot cards for each element, depends on what I'm doing).
The chessboard has 2 candles for Sekhmet(I get the candles from discount stores usually. Sekhmet is a goddess I previously worked with), some runes with quartz points (I was trying to spread their energy!) a rock that was a present and supposedly increases happiness, and some matches. For obvious reasons.
Any way, that's basically 99% of all my rituals props. Candles, rocks and meditation! I will probably be working on the more exciting aesthetic witchcraft later!


Any questions/comments/ideas for me?