Sunday, 17 July 2016

Introducing My Lady -My impressions of HetHeru(Hathor)

HetHeru(Hathor), or "house of Horus" has many aspects, and I can never hope to understand them all. She is one of the oldest Goddesses, and usually presents with some cow features. Here are a few of her more commonly attributed areas:

Protector of women(Especially if pregnant)

I have found her particularly interested in improving self belief and love and expressing emotions. She has been kind to me when I have not.
Our relationship started when I was very young. I was reading about ancient Egypt, as basically every young person does at some point(or Greek mythology!). I don't remember how or why, but I was obsessed with HetHeru in one of my books. MAJORLY obsessed. I was making my sister build temples, while I pretended to be HetHeru's priestess. When we played gods, my sister was Isis(Auset) because I wanted to be Hathor so much. I dont understand what the attraction was, as love and beauty weren't really my things, compared to Auset and her magic powers and all.
Even now, I'm not sure why we are compelled to work together. As I danced in the edges of the ocean, as I fought my demons, as I sung the flowers to life, It was always HER there, calling me to self expression and a lifetime of magic.
I will nurture the Earth in her name.
I still feel you with all my soul, my glorious Goddess.

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